Objective Alignment:

  • Purpose: The design visually communicates the mission of an educational charity that connects the Isle of Man with St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It emphasizes a global connection and the impact on education.
  • Target Audience: The design caters to potential donors, volunteers, and participants by showcasing the charity’s work and achievements in an engaging manner.

Visual Hierarchy:

  • Header: Uses a large, inspiring image with a tagline “Together We Make a Better World,” which immediately presents the overarching goal of the charity.
  • Navigation: Clear and concise, providing easy access to different parts of the site without overwhelming the user.

Color Scheme:

  • Palette: Utilizes a color scheme that reflects the ocean and sky, which are elements central to the Caribbean where the charity operates. The use of blues and whites creates a feeling of trust, calm, and optimism.
  • Contrast: Adequate contrast is maintained throughout to ensure readability and focus on key elements.
Design Procedure:
  1. Research and Conceptualization:
    • Started by understanding the charity’s values, goals, and the message they wanted to convey.
    • Researched the target audience to tailor the design to their preferences and needs.
    • Developed a concept that represents the connection between different cultures and the impact of education.
  2. Design Development:
    • Created wireframes to establish a basic structure and layout.
    • Selected a color palette and typography that reflected the charity’s brand and the emotional tone of the site.
    • Chose imagery that would resonate with the viewers and tell the charity’s story.
  3. Content Strategy:
    • Worked closely with the charity to develop content that was engaging, informative, and aligned with SEO best practices.
    • Structured the content to guide users through the site, encouraging them to learn more, get involved, or donate.
  4. User Experience (UX) Focus:
    • Ensured the navigation was intuitive and that information was easy to find.
    • Designed with accessibility in mind to ensure the site was usable by people with disabilities.
    • Implemented interactive elements to enhance user engagement without detracting from the content.
  5. Technical Execution:
    • Built the site using responsive design principles to ensure it worked across various devices and screen sizes.
    • Optimized performance for quick loading times.
    • Conducted A/B testing to refine calls-to-action and other interactive elements.
  6. Feedback Integration and Iteration:
    • Gathered feedback from users and stakeholders throughout the development process.
    • Made iterative improvements based on feedback and usability testing.
  7. Launch and Post-Launch Analysis:
    • Monitored the site after launch to collect data on user behavior.
    • Made post-launch adjustments to improve user experience and conversion rates.
  8. Reflection and Learning:
    • Reflected on the successes and challenges of the design process to inform future projects.
    • Continuously sought new ways to enhance the website based on user feedback and web design trends.